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Blog - John Wesley Barker | Composer, Musician, Teacher & Lecturer

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My NZ trip - Part 2

mapThis Friday, the 22nd December, we fly to Nelson in New Zealand via Dubai and Auckland to arrive on Christmas Eve to spend Christmas and New Year with my family in New Zealand. We'll go on a 4 day walk through the Abel Tasman National Park and take in some sunshine. My NZ Trip Blog will have some more entries after two years since my last trip if you want to keep up with my holiday. Merry Christmas to you all.

Underpass - John Foxx

Underpass = Top Of The PopsToday, a student told me about a video of my appearance with John Foxx.

It's hosted on YouTube. I played keyboards on the album and later Underpass was on Top Of The Pops in January 1980 when it charted at No.11.

The photo shows John Foxx and myself playing keyboard on the right.



I've recently joined the team at Musicate to offer Music Technology and composition sessions to their clients.

The first sessions I've done with Richard have been in a school in Coventry encouraging school children to make music using technology. The school currently has Cubase VST running on Windows, or rather not running. Music Technology workshop using GarageBandThere were problems with the signal routing and drivers, file management and other annoying obstacles to getting on with making music. After 2 lessons of having difficulty getting their Windows computers to work, we switched to using GarageBand - see QuickTime tour here and Within seconds we were making music with the children particpating as a group composing a song. We resolved then to research the possibility of implementing the use of Apple computers and software in our future sessions.


Martyn Ware at the Birmingham Conservatoire

John, Martyn & SimonMartyn Ware of Heaven 17 came to the Birmingham Conservatoire today to see the facilities and talk to us about Illustrious and 3D sound systems. While we were in the Recital room, we talked of the possibility of a performance by Cybersonica in the Conservatoire. When details are firm, I will post them here. Martyn is doing a lot of interesting work and it would be great if he shared it with listeners in Birmingham.

Unknown Tune

This Unknown Title by Abdullah Ibrahim as a Scorch page is here. This was transcribed from memory for alto sax, piano, bass and drums with added strings for pupils to use to practice.
If you know the title of this tune, please contact me via Comment link.
Abdullah Ibrahim Discography is here

Transit Of Venus 4

Transit Of Venus Another version of Transit Of Venus is in the making. A preview of Transit Of Venus 4 for 2 solo flutes and chamber orchestra as a Scorch page is available for viewing here. Your comments would be welcome.

Splendid. Nice site guys! Just discovered and registered as an artiste. See my page here.

Flash MP3 Player

Flash MP3 Player of audio recordingsAs part of the updating of this website, I've added the Flash MP3 Player to share audio with visitors.

The playlist currently contains:

  • My Funny Valentine by Richard Rogers
    played on a Technics digital piano by John Wesley Barker

  • Rise & Fall by John Wesley Barker
    recorded by Lost Jockey in a session produced by John Leckie at Abbey Road Studio 2.
    Previously released by Operation Twilight Cat. No. OPT11

  • Rainstick by Bag 'O Cats and John Wesley Barker
    from the album Out Of The Bag produced for Greentrax Recordings by John Wesley Barker.

  • Temptation Brothers In Rhythm Remix - by Heaven 17
    orchestral arrangement by John Wesley Barker, recorded at Air Studios. From the album The Luxury Gap. Session detail here

  • Eccho Ring for organ by John Wesley Barker
    originally written for the wedding of Clare & John, this solo organ version from the CD Stormin' Norma 2 by Kemp English. Recorded in Dunedin Town Hall, New Zealand. See Eccho Ring web page.


Scilly Isles Photo Set

Pebble Tower, St AgnesOh Boy! It took 3 days to select, name, upload, tag and create the Scilly Set on Flickr.

Click here to play the 3 page Slideshow. Hope you enjoy.


EDEXCEL stop GCE Music and Music Technology

Dear Colleague,

I have today been informed, in writing, by Edexcel that they have  decided not to seek re-accreditation for GCE Music and Music  Technology from QCA.

This in effect means that they are not going to offer these A level  subjects after 2009 – thus the last AS intake of students will be  in September 2007.

The reasons given behind this decision are (and I quote) ….’ We believe that the complexity of the current assessment model  and constraints of the new subject criteria have made it impossible  to produce a sustainable specification which will be attractive to  schools and colleges. Therefore our strategy is to focus on the  BTEC Music and Music Technology provision which has proved popular  in our centres. We hope that centres will choose to move to the  appropriate BTEC National Awards in Music and Music Technology….’

This decision has been reached without ANY consultation from senior  examiners. I have not been asked to attend any meetings about this  matter, or to submit my opinions or ideas in relation to the  ‘viability’ of a new music technology syllabus. QCA have created  separate subject criteria for Music Technology, and these would, in  my opinion, make it feasible to develop a very creative and  attractive qualification for schools and colleges.

There appears to have been little thought given to the implications of this decision. As the sole examination board providing Music Technology, this decision in effect kills off A level music technology – at a time when student numbers are growing, centre  investment in resources has been significant, and university acceptance of the subject is good.

The assumption that centres will migrate easily to BTEC is at best  naïve and at worst demonstrates a total lack of understanding of  the two very different qualifications. The majority of centres  offering AS and A2 do not offer BTEC qualifications and are  unlikely to do so.

I would urge you to help force Edexcel to reconsider this decision by sending an email or letter to various interested parties such as the Chief Exec of Edexcel, Mr Jerry Jarvis, QCA, your local MP or another interested supportive party. I believe that it would be very useful to enlist the assistance of your Headteacher or Principal in securing additional writing communication to Edexcel about this matter, and please feel free to print out a copy of this letter and  show it to them.

It is my considered opinion that we must unite to stop an American PLC (Pearson who own Edexcel) dictating the content and format of music education within the UK, and that we must ensure that future generations of students have the ability to study and be accredited with, GCE AS and A2 qualifications in Music Technology.

If you have any suggestions as to how we can progress this campaign over the next few days, please feel free to email me.

Yours truly, Andrew J Kitchenham, Chair of Examiners, Music Technology


Heaven 17 - The Line Of Beauty

Temptation - H17On Radio 4 just now I heard my Orchestral Theme of Temptation by Heaven 17 being used in the radio trailer for BBC2 The Line Of Beauty. The orchestral version hit the public as the last track on the single CD made to celebrate the 10th year after release and included a brilliant Brothers In Rhythm remix. This release is a muted out dub of some of the work I did on the track. I intend to make available the score and monitor mix (on cassette made on the 12th December 1982
I always jump out of my skin when I hear stuff I've done on the radio or TV. Temptation was used by Burger King a number of years ago, my blood boiled. Coincidence this time is that I want to start a performing group soon to play stuff I've been writing, the name for the group is Beauty, mm... strange... but...
Now I wonder, do I get any money for this? Will the musicians?
Watch this space.

All Prayers Are Answered

Even if at times it's difficult to understand His answer.

Last.FM Transit Of Venus

MP3s made using Garritan Symphony Orchestra of Transit Of Venus 1 and Transit Of Venus 2 have become the first items on a John Wesley Barker Label at Last.FM making it possible to share with the Last.FM community and radio station.


Some pupils are playing in Symphony Hall in May and need some music to play; so currently arranging The Pink Panther - HENRY MANCINI
  • Birdland - JO ZAWINUL
  • Moaning - ART BLAKEY
  • Watermelon Man - HERBIE HANCOCK
for 3 altos, 2 tenors, baritone, triangle and drum kit, with option piano and bass.

An accompaniment CD-Extra with also be made for flexible performance and practising options. 3rd alto and 1st tenor are the same part.

> CD-Sax 01 instrumentation is 2 altos, 2 tenors , baritone and percussion with piano, bass and drums.


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